Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Sorry..I have not updated this in well...a year...((hinding))Life with 4 young boys does keep me on my toes most days..lol

I am excited to share with you that I have been doing several detoxing parties. I believe more and more people are educating themselves on their health and learning to take control of it themselves by becoming their own advocate instead of relying on traditional health care. I also believe people are becoming more opened minded to detoxing and have learned the health benifits of it.

One of my on-going regular clients has been a sweet lady named "M" she came to me after being very sick the last 3 years with a rare auto-immune disorder causing her throw up every single day! Can you imagaine? I felt so bad for her..she has tried just about every single traditional medicine she could try..still doctors could give her no answers. Guess what?? After being desperate to try anything at this point in her life..she came to me after hearing positive results with the foot bath...since day 1 from detoxing with me..she has not thrown up!!! She said she did nothing else different in her diet, or anything except detox with me. I am so happy for her..she is a huge believer now and telling everyone!!!

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